More than 30 years after the first Survey on living and working conditions in Italian schools, together with the University of Milan Bicocca and the IARD Institute, we are conducting the “Quarta indagine sulle condizioni di vita e di lavoro degli insegnanti italiani” (“Fourth survey on the living and working conditions of Italian teachers”). The research aims to investigate the opinions and experiences of Italian teachers and school administrators, who are central figures in the school.
The survey is based on anonymous questionnaires addressed to teachers and their school administrators, starting from a random national sample of schools in primary and secondary education.
The objective of this survey is to provide policy makers, researchers, school administrators, teachers, journalists, and families with a rigorous empirical understanding of those who live and work in Italian schools on a daily basis, along with a historical overview of how teachers have changed over the past thirty years.
It will take approximately two years to conduct this survey.
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